Saturday, June 30, 2012

Passing the time on passes

Greetings from Mammoth Lakes!

I've been hiking in the Sierras for 12 days now and all I can say is "wow". Everywhere you look is filled with amazing views of the most beautiful area I've seen so far on the trail. And yes, I'll be posting pics soon.

Along with the stunning views comes one butt-kicking climb after another. They are:

Foresters Pass 13,200 ft (highest point on the PCT)
Kearsarge Pass 11,760 ft (had to hike this twice to resupply)
Glen Pass 11,978 ft
Pinchot Pass 12,132 ft
Mather Pass 12,087 ft
Muir Pass 11,976 ft
Selden Pass 10,887 ft
Silver Pass 10,910 ft
Ducks Pass 10,814 f (this was extra in order to get to Mammoth Lakes a few days early).

The altitude gains ranged from 2,000 ft to 4,000 ft per climb. Each one presented it's own challenge and it's own reward.

I hiked Foresters and Kearsarge (the first time) each on their own day. Kearsarge (the second time) and the other 7 passes were climbed in 6 days total.

I'm now recuperation in Mammoth Lakes for a few days to give my legs time to recover from the constant climbs and descents of the last week.

This section has truly tested both my physical and mental strength. There were moments when you look up the rocky, steep, and sometimes, scary trail and wish someone had installed an escalator. But upon reaching the top, my eyes could hardly take in all that lay before me. The views from the top of each pass were breathtaking. And to know that I'm seeing what so few people will ever get to see just made it that much more special.

Here is a photo coming down from Glen Pass.

I'll post more photos soon!

1 comment:

  1. Kellie, very pretty shot! What a view you had. Great post on your time in the Sierra. Take care, lady. - Kim and Rob
