Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Days 2 - 9

Hi all,

So sorry for the long delay in posting. My solar charger isn't getting enough sun to fully charge my phone (let alone my camera and iPod) so have had to keep phone usage to a minimum.

But my wonderful parents have been running around trying to find me alternative charging options which I get to try out tomorrow.

So here is a brief review of this last week (note that all mileage is rounded to nearest whole mile):

Day 1: 20 miles Campo to Lake Morena
Day 2 & 3: Zero - Kickoff party
Day 4: 12 miles - to Fred Canyon
Day 5: 16 miles - to Laguna Campground
Day 6: 16 miles - to Chariot Canyon
Day 7: 15 miles - to a dry creek bed aka Campsite 79
Day 8: 17 miles - to a tiny trailside campsite meant for maybe 2 but we managed to get 5 of us in there (no tents, just slept under the stars).
Day 9 (Friday): 14 miles - to Warner Springs.

That's about 110 miles in 7 hiking days!

I'm taking Sat off to rest my very unhappy feet and reorganize my pack to lighten my load, then back on the trail Sunday.

I'll add photos in another post.

Happy hiking all!


  1. By the may be a more expensive solution by why are you carrying 3 devices (camera/phone/iPod) when you could have that all in 1 to save weight and more efficient use of power? (I realize it might be expensive)

  2. Michael...I have a droid, not an iPhone. I'm carrying a camera as it takes better photos than my phone, but if I can't charge it then I'm going to leave it and deal with what my phone will do. As for the iPod, it's a teeny tiny shuffle that weighs less than an ounce with headphone. It's much eaiser to use than a phone. :-)
